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The success becomes passion!
Tokio Hotel cleaned up at the recent MTV awards,confessing their career addiction.
Everything they touch turns either to gold , platinum or an Award, for three years now Tokio Hotel has tightened their grip on the music industry.
And ever since the fans cannot imagine being without them, to top this all of taking a prize as "Best new act" at the MTV music video awards, their biggest succes, puts the crown on their career.
Because the competition was so heavy none of the members believed in the fact that they would win anything, megastars like Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry were on the nomination list to win, making competition fierce, but in spite of all this, they did it !.As first German band ever they took the award!.
Bill screamed "Oberaffengeil" which means super gigantic cool , a word used in German when something exceeds all normal vocabulary.
"Now we are going to really party here".
Tokio Hotel have rissen to the status of worldstars here in Hollywood, playing "Guitar Hero" with Miley Cyrus and giving interviews together with the Pussycat Dolls, thereafter partying with Kid Rock, Paris Hilton, all together an evening they´d never forget, a dream which came true.
By all means Tokio Hotel is not finished, they want everything, more music, bigger gigs, more cd recordings.
"Success makes you long for more" and we "allways want more" Bill says.
"It is fantastic doing all this,especially Tom and me are real workoholics"
"We write songs, record them and want to go back on tour again" Bill says.
"Finally we dare to live our dream and enjoying every second of it".
"Every challenge creates a new level for us, often we think how can this go on", memories of shocking events come back sometimes.
When did Tokio Hotel realize that they were stars?
"That was at the Comet Award in 2005" Bill replies."It was the first time for us at such a big event, when we entered the hall, everyone came running toward us, we thought , who is here to create such a commotion, we thought the fans meant someone else and we were wondering who that was".
That threw are world upside down and made us very confused and when we won the award we completely lost it.
"Crying we hardly do on stage, but pushing back tears happens a lot", "we don´t want to be crybabies".
"I remember at the EMA in 2007 I heard our name, fans all over Europe voted for us, first I got goosebumps, than the whole team was all over us, if at that moment I would have looked someone in their eyes I would have completely broken down.
What are the ingredients to this succes?, why do they win all the awards?, why do they have so many fans?.
"We simply don´t know ourselves" Georg smiles.
"But insisted from the beginning to be in complete control of all what is happening, every E mail , every picture will pass our table sooner or later"
I don´t want to be some kind of marionet with a time scedule around my neck" Bill replies.
"A lot of people have a problem with that attitude, but they can`t stop us from doing things our way.
The struggle has paid of , looking at the results.
And who is the blond girl holding Bill at the VMA, don´t worry not a new girlfriend , its Dunja , organising everything around the boys and
they get along with her tremendously well.
Too bad "No new gossip" ,but facts only from the USA, I smiled.
translation by COOLBREEZEGIRL/THA (с)
Iron Fist
еще одна из Деткиных любимых фирм. I like what I see.
Снег, тебе тут ничто ничего не напоминает?
Но вообще я бы себе хотела бы парочку.
Еще утаскиваю к себе хорошую статью. Не смогла удержаться
The success becomes passion!
Снег, тебе тут ничто ничего не напоминает?
Но вообще я бы себе хотела бы парочку.
Еще утаскиваю к себе хорошую статью. Не смогла удержаться
The success becomes passion!